vineri, 19 august 2011

Take a moment to look closer

      Take a moment , let youre favourite song to fill in the background , sit back , close youre eyes and take a deep breath … think about the things that you always wanted to do , but you never had the chance … or maybe the couraje , think about the things or the places whitch you are passing by everyday but you don’t give them any attention even though they can be special … I realised  this thing happened to me a couple of days ago … while I was walking with one of my good friends , J , she told me that she discovered a new ” restaurant” that left her speechless (and that thing it’s not in everyday routine ) and I asked her to take me there immediately . When we entered I was absolutely astonished , it was that kind of  place where you could have a quiet conversation , with calm music that creates atmosphere . The thing that I liked the most was that everywhere you looked you could see a lot of old Romanian artefacts and vintage collection objects … shortly it is the PERFECT place and I didn’t knew about it even though I live in this town for 14 years ! I always passed by that place but I never bothered to pay it any attention . When I arrived home I started to think about things and places that I always pass by without giving them a single look … and by doing that I discovered a new coffee-house that it is so great ( it has a wall full of stikers with messages from the customers – they are in every possible language ) … this is another cool place that I could have descover long time ago but I haven’t because I never gave any importance to it .
      Those discoveries taught me that I have to give a second look to the places where  I will go , because I will never know what I will find ;) . 

4 comentarii:

  1. Can we know which restaurant was it? I know the coffee shop, its the corner one...very very nice!

  2. hmm... well it is after McDonald's but on the other side ... when you're going to pay me a visit I'm going to show it to you because it is very hard to explain (J almost miss the entry when she wanted to show it to me ) :)
